Thursday, October 10, 2013

Canada Research Chair -Tier 2- in Theoretical Particle Physics/Cosmology: THE YORK UNIVERSITY

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at York University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada invites applications for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Theoretical Particle Physics/Cosmology at the rank of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor, to commence July 1, 2014. The successful CRC applicant should be an excellent and emerging world-­-class researcher who demonstrates the potential to play a leadership role and achieve international recognition in his/her field, and is expected to propose an original and innovative research program in theoretical particle physics and/or cosmology and have the potential to attract excellent trainees.

The ideal candidate has a broad research program encompassing both theoretical particle physics (e.g. string or particle phenomenology) and cosmology (e.g. early universe, dark matter, dark energy, structure formation). The candidate's research should complement York's existing theoretical research in early universe cosmology, quantum chromodynamics, and beyond-­-the-­-standard-­-model physics. It should also have connections to York-­-based research in experimental particle physics (e.g. ATLAS, T2K, ALPHA, or LArTPC) or observational astrophysics (e.g. optical, IR, radio, SDSS, or CMB).

The successful candidate will be expected to develop and maintain a strong, externally-­-funded research program and to contribute to physics and astronomy education and excellence in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The successful candidate must have a PhD in Physics along with suitable postdoctoral experience, and must be eligible for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies at York University. The candidate will be required to work with the Department and the Office of the Vice-­-President Research and Innovation to prepare the formal CRC nomination. The Chair is subject to approval by the CRC program review process. Eligibility criteria and CRC program information can be found at .http://www.chairs-­

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at York University has strong research groups in both astronomy and high-­-energy physics; further information can be found at . York University faculty regularly engage and collaborate with researchers at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo and the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics at the University of Toronto.

All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval. York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Program can be found on York's website at or a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416-­-736-­-5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

To guarantee full consideration, candidates should apply through Academic Jobs Online at
by December 10, 2013. Please submit a curriculum vitae, a summary of seminal research contributions, an outline of research plans and arrange for three referees to up-­-load their letters through Academic Jobs Online.

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